To do list:
Read arrays from an external file or out of a database. Hints: Reddit is last F in Google is first S in Searches. YouTube channel is S in Personal. GitHub docs is U in WebTutor. Reuters News is W in NewsPapr. JimmyR is first U in FunStuff. Bela admin is E in Personal. SunLA calendar is last E in Projects. CTRL+F5 forces a refresh of JS and CSS as well as the HTML. |
Welcome to the new, improved web site for Ted's bookmarks. I love the simple links, so does Reddit and Craig's list and on and on. But, it's not too flashy, eh? So, this is my flash, my pizzazz. A bit of Wowzers!! Awww, don't Other pages: Hover over any letter and a Tooltip will appear with the Title of the web site. |